Satoshi Yamaguchi, Ph.D.
E-mail: yamaguchi(at)
Recent progress in biotechnologies has given us a new biomaterials and bioresources, based on biopolymers and living cells. To produce next-generation bio-based products from these resources, stimuli-responsive chemical tools for externally controlling biopolymers and living cells are promising. In our research group, stimuli-responsive chemical tools working at the bio-interfaces which can simply and precisely control biopolymers and living cells without denaturation and cytotoxicity are developed. In addition, it is also important to visualize the functions and localizations of target biomolecules and cells for creating novel therapy and biotechnology. Accordingly, we challenge to develop in vivo visualization tools by using chemical synthetic technologies. Our research topics are as follows:
1. Chemical tools for increasing production yields from bio-resources
2. Chemical tools for externally controlling biopolymers and living cells
3. Chemical tools for visualizing target biopolymers and cells in vivo
- B.S., 1999, The University of Tokyo
- Ph.D., 2004, The University of Tokyo
- Postdoctoral Fellow at Kyushu University (Kyoto University), 2004-2006
- Project Assistant Professor at The University of Tokyo, 2006-2008
- Visiting Professor at Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, 2010
- Assistant Professor at Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology, The University of Tokyo, 2008-2013
- Lecturer at The Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology (RCAST), The University of Tokyo, 2013-2019
- Associate Professor at The Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology (RCAST), The University of Tokyo, 2019-2022
- Associate Professor at Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology, The University of Tokyo; 2022-present
Representative Publications
- T. Kosaka, S. Yamaguchi*, S. Izuta, S. Yamahira, Y. Shibasaki, H. Tateno, A. Okamoto*, Bioorthogonal Photoreactive surfaces for single-cell analysis of intercellular communications,
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 144, 17980-17988, 2022. (Highlighted as Supplementary Cover) - S. Yamahira*, R. Misawa, T. Kosaka, M. Tan, S. Izuta, H. Yamashita, Y. Heike, A. Okamoto, T. Nagamune, S. Yamaguchi*, Photoactivatable materials for versatile single-cell patterning based on the photocaging of cell-anchoring moieties through lipid self-assembly,
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 144, 13154–13162, 2022. (Highlighted as Supplementary Cover) - S. Yamaguchi*, K. Chujo, N. Ohashi, K. Minamihata, T. Nagamune, Photo-degradable protein-polymer hybrid shells for caging living cells,
Chemistry- A Eur. J., 28, e202103941, 2022. (Highlighted by ChemistryViews) - S. Izuta, S. Yamaguchi*, R. Misawa, S. Yamahira, M. Tan, M. Kawahara, T. Suzuki, T. Takagi, K. Sato, M. Nakamura, T. Nagamune, A. Okamoto*, Microfluidic preparation of anchored cell membrane sheets for in vitro analyses and manipulation of the cytoplasmic face,
Sci. Rep., 7, 14962, 2017. - S. Yamaguchi, T. Matsushita, S. Izuta, S. Katada, M. Ura, T. Ikeda, G. Hayashi, Y. Suzuki, K. Kobayashi, K. Tokunaga, Y. Ozeki, A. Okamoto*, Chemically-activatable alkyne-tagged probe for imaging microdomains in lipid bilayer membranes
Sci. Rep., 7, 41007, 2017. - A. Ishiwatari, S. Yamaguchi*, S. Takamori, S. Yamahira, K. Minamihata, T. Nagamune*, Photolytic protein aggregates: versatile materials for controlled release of active proteins,
Adv. Health. Mater., 5, 1002-1007, 2016. - S. Takamori, S. Yamaguchi*, N. Ohashi and T. Nagamune*, Sterically bulky caging for light-inducible protein activation,
Chem. Commun., 49, 3013-3015, 2013. - S. Yamaguchi*, S. Yamahira, K. Kikuchi, K. Sumaru, T. Kanamori and T. Nagamune*, Photocontrollable dynamic micropatterning of non-adherent mammalian cells using a photocleavable poly(ethylene glycol) lipid,
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 51, 128-131, 2012. - S. Yamaguchi*, Y. Cheng, S. Nakajima, T. Furuta, T. Nagamune*, Light-activated gene expression from site-specific caged DNA with a biotinylated photolabile protection group,
Chem. Commun., 46, 2244-2246, 2010. - S. Yamaguchi, S. Matsumoto, K. Ishizuka, Y. Iko, K. V. Tabata, H. Arata, H. Fujita, H. Noji, I. Hamachi*, Thermally responsive supramolecular nano-meshes for on/off switching of the rotary motion of F1-ATPase at a single molecular level,
Chemistry- A Eur. J. 14, 1891-1896, 2008. - S. Yamaguchi, I. Yoshimura, T. Kohira, S.-I. Tamaru, I. Hamachi*, Cooperation between artificial receptors and supramolecular hydrogels for sensing and discriminating phosphate derivatives,
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 127, 11835-11841, 2005.
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